Parts of Speech English Grammar

Parts Of Speech 

Noun is a name of anything, place or person for example Ali, Mosque, River.
Noun has two major kinds Proper Noun and Common Noun
Proper Noun refers to specific things while Common Noun refers to common things
As Aslam is a Proper Noun while River is a common Noun
Other Kinds of Noun
Concrete Noun is also called material known refers to things having mass like table.
Abstract known is refers to actions, quality or state for example courage
Countable Noun is a type of noun which refers to countable things as students
Uncountable Noun is refers to uncountable things Milk
Pronoun is used in place of a noun or nouns which are he, me, she, them, they, we her, him, I, it,
Some Types of Pronoun are possessive pronoun, interrogative pronoun, indefinite pronoun, relative pronoun, reflexive pronoun.
Verb: Verb tells about an action or a state of anything.
Example: Play, Write, Sing, Eat
Adverb: An adverb explains about verb, an adjective.
Example: run slowly
Adjective: An adjective tells us more about a noun or pronoun.
Example: Famous Writer
Conjunction: Conjunctions are words that connect words or groups of words like
Or, but, and
Prepositions: A preposition connects a noun, pronoun, or phrase to another part of a sentence.
Example: of , at, in, on


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