General Knowledge About Earth General Knowledge About Earth Escape Velocity 11.2 km/sec Highest Land Point Mount Everest (8,852 m) Lowest Land Point Dead Sea (396m) Greatest Ocean Depth Mariana Trench (11,033) Equatorial Circumference 40,024 km Polar Circumference 40,024 km Volume 1.083 x 10 to the power liters Mean Density 5.518 kg/lt Total Surface Area 510 million sq. km Land Area 29.2% of the total surface area Water Area 70.8% of the total surface area Equatorial Diameter 12,755 km Polar Diameter 12, 712 km Mean Surface Temperature 14°C Maximum distance from Sun (Aphelion) About 150 million km Minimum distance from sun (Perihelion) About 147 million km Rotation Speed 23 hrs, 56 min, 40.91 sec Revolution Speed 365 days, 5 hrs, 45.51 sec